Occupation Health and Safety

Our Occupation Health and Safety Policy

YAKUTGLASS, training, implementation, research, and management structure, participation, transparency and continuous improvement based on the principles of occupational health and safety policies while pursuing the following:

  • Supporting occupational health and safety, education and research,
  • Updating occupational health and safety studies in accordance with development and needs,
  • Providing occupational health and safety practices at national and international levels,
  • Ensuring the prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases by taking measures in advance with organizations determined in occupational health and safety management systems,
  • Continuous performance evaluations determined in occupational health and safety management systems,
  • Improve the awareness and satisfaction perception of all employees and stakeholders in the field of occupational health and safety,
  • Ensuring the sustainability of internal and external auditing mechanisms in occupational health and safety management systems,

To create and apply the OHS management system.

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